Monday, July 18, 2011

Productive Weekend!

Well, we had another busy weekend! A total of 4 new soaps have hit the racks for curing! Along with our Insect Repelling Soap & Patchouli/Aloe Vera Soap, we also whipped up a light and fragrant citrus blend & a deodorizing COFFEE bar. Yes, you heard that Coffee is supposed to be great at deodorizing those smelly dogs and if you have one like I do, that thinks whatever stinky thing he can find to roll in is his latest 'manly scent' than you should appreciate this one (he's the top picture). This is yet another one that I can't wait to try out on my hands after cutting an onion or mincing some garlic. Should be an interesting 4 weeks! 
Miss Mabel (on bottom) got a bath with our Peppermint, Tea Tree & Cedarwood soap. I was VERY happy with the way the soap lathered up on her! It was fantastic. It smelled great, rinsed clean and she was very soft. I am definitely satisfied with how our dog soap has turned out.Can't wait to see what next weekend brings.....check back to find out!

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