Well, Friday was a busy day! Washed all three dogs with the Peppermint, Tea Tree & Cedarwood soap. It worked SO well. I was amazed at how it lathered up on all three of them. After the bath, they do their usual run around like crazy pushing and shoving each other. Until, inevitably they end up not 'quite' as clean as I wanted them to be. LOL! Oh well, dogs will be dogs I guess.
We received our shipment of muslin bags too! VERY excited about these bags. The quality is great, they are going to be fantastic to keep the soaps in and they look awesome.
We are now up to 8 different dog soaps, with number 9 in the mold as we speak! Rosemary & Spearmint, this one smells a lot like Double Mint Gum. We'll see how the scent ends up after the curing process, personally, I really like it so far. Next, we're going to go for something that is more moisturizing and conditioning for those doggies with dry skin. Want to find out more.....stop back!
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