Wednesday, July 13, 2011

An adventure in soap!

Welcome to Hippy Puppy Natural Soap! This is my first blog post, so try to be patient with me. First let me tell you a little about Hippy Puppy. Hippy Puppy Natural Soap was born out of my frustration with commercial dog soap and shampoo. We had already been making and using our own soap for almost a year. So I thought, why not make a soap for our dogs! Well, after giving it a try I was hooked! I couldn't believe how great it worked! I thought, why not share what I discovered with others. Surely there are people out there who are just as frustrated as I was with the dog shampoos on the market. Have you ever read the label on your dog shampoo? Do you know what all of those ingredients are? I don't! Some of them I can't even pronounce! Our soap is made from a natural blend of olive oil, coconut oil, castor oil, and natural essential oils. There you go, that is the long list of ingredients you'll find in Hippy Puppy Natural Soap. I like to live simply, knowing what is in the cleaners that I use, the soaps that my family uses to wash their bodies, the soap that I wash their clothes in and now, I am FINALLY able to control what I use on my pets as well. Life is difficult enough! Make a simple choice to do something better for you and your dog that will save you time AND money!

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